How to Determine Car Accident Fault in Orlando

2018-08-29T15:41:19-07:00July 8th, 2018|Categories: Auto Accident|Tags: , , , , |

Accidents happen on the road all the time. Statistically, you're bound to get into at least one accident in your life. With any luck, the accidents that you get into will not cause injury and will be very minor. If they're not, it may be time to consult a car accident attorney. Consult an attorney for any injuries or damages to your vehicle if you have been in an accident recently. If you are not at fault and another driver in Florida has caused it due to what you believe to be negligence, it can be helpful to talk to a lawyer to find out more about the topic. You may be able to recover damages for an accident where you were not at fault and perhaps even partial depending on the laws [...]

How to Avoid Drowsy Driving

2018-05-08T18:03:52-07:00May 8th, 2018|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , |

When it comes to driving drowsy, it's never a good idea. A study done by the NSF (National Sleep Foundation) found that 1 out of 7 drivers surveyed admitted to nodding off while driving one or more times in the past year. 1 in 10 said they had fallen asleep completely while driving in the same time period. The numbers are pretty sobering, but drowsy driving can be prevented if you know the facts on this topic and ultimately choose not to get behind the wheel when you are tired. Today we're talking all about how to avoid drowsy driving as the operator of a motor vehicle so you can stay safe on the road and avoid not only accidents but injury too. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety says that an astounding [...]

Texting and Driving Accidents: Consult A Law Firm Today

2017-11-07T22:25:55-08:00October 29th, 2015|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , , |

Many people get into texting and driving accidents every day. Some cause the accidents as a result of distracted driving, while others are driving with full attention and get into accidents because of the negligence of others. Unfortunately, accidents that occur due to distracted driving and in particular people using their phones is becoming more common. As more people get cell phones and smart phones, the temptation to look at them or even use them while driving is growing. This is resulting in far more accidents as a result of distracted driving than ever before-- at least a fifth of all car accidents in the United States happen as a result of cell phone use. Sound shocking? Maybe it depends on what line of work you're in. Some civilians haven't been in car accidents [...]

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