Procedures for Filing a Small Claims Court Claim

2023-01-16T11:27:44-08:00January 26th, 2023|Categories: Florida Law|Tags: , , |

Small claims courts are subordinate courts that allow individuals to quickly and efficiently resolve disputes, often without expensive legal representation. It is commonly used for cases involving property damage, contract breaches, business disputes, defective products or unsatisfactory services, and disputes between landlords and tenants, such as fraud, accidents, personal injuries, and unpaid debts. The small claims courts in the Orlando area are extremely busy, with thousands of new cases filed per day. This is proof enough that filing a claim at small claims court is incredibly easy and straightforward. Indeed, you can file your small claim by following these simple steps:   Submit Paperwork You must present the right documents at the court for your case to be considered. Therefore, it would be best if you visited your county clerk's office to get these [...]