Back to School is Time for a Family Talk About Texting While Driving and Distracted Driving

2017-11-07T22:05:01-08:00August 9th, 2016|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , |

As we get past summer and later into the year, it's time for families to prepare for going back to school! It's also a good time to talk to your kids and just brush up on a few safety rules. While you're doing a little shopping before going back to school and preparing to go into the school year again, take the time to speak to speak to your kids who are old enough to drive about driving safety. Kids who are older are going to be either driving themselves to school or will be driving soon. It's important to have these talks so that teenagers understand that not only is it risky for them to practice distracted driving, but it's also risky for other people as well. Not only will junior operators [...]