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Can You File a Lawsuit if Harmed by a Weight Loss Drug?

2022-04-11T17:27:27-07:00April 11th, 2022|Categories: Personal Injury, Product Liability|Tags: , , |

Weight loss pills are renowned for exaggerating their effectiveness, whereas most of them either don’t work or aren’t as effective as advertised. The few that work might also have some unpleasant - and unstated -  side effects. These effects may even be strong enough to cause harm in the long term. In the unfortunate scenario where weight-loss drugs or supplements cause health complications, you will undoubtedly want to sue the manufacturers/distributors. However, with the laws governing such medication being vague at best, it is very likely that, as a layman, you will be confused as to what legal options to take in such a situation.   Were Your Injuries Physical? As any personal injury attorney will advise you, your personal injury lawsuit can only succeed if you provide proof of actual bodily injury. [...]

How Does the Body React After an Auto Accident?

2022-03-22T17:19:24-07:00March 22nd, 2022|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , , , |

Surviving an auto accident is more than a miracle. Your body will go through various reactions as it tries to cope and recover from the trauma of the accident. If you are a car crash victim, you should seek medical and legal help from your healthcare provider and car accident attorney.  Your doctor will guide you through the recovery process, while your attorney will help you seek your rightful compensation for incurred damages and losses. Understanding how your body reacts after a car accident can help you cope and know what to do during the recovery process. This post explains what you should expect as you get through your injuries.   Head Injuries The body will continue to move at the car’s previous speed even if it has stopped after a collision.  The [...]

Can I File a Personal Injury Lawsuit After a Bus Accident?

2022-03-07T19:18:50-08:00March 7th, 2022|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , |

If you are a victim of a bus accident, you must be wondering whether you can file for compensation. Unfortunately, bus accidents are not any different from other incidents, and it is vital to understand your options as far as filing a claim is concerned. Contacting a personal injury lawyer can help you understand your legal options after a bus accident. The lawyer will explain the time limits for filing a claim and the type of damages available for compensation.   Measures to take after a bus accident If you are a bus accident victim, you must take specific measures to protect your legal rights. Here’s what to do after a bus accident. Call emergency services Whether you are injured or not, you should call 911 to ensure the police document is at [...]

Should I Wait To Go to the Doctor After an Accident?

2022-10-10T14:50:24-07:00February 15th, 2022|Categories: Florida Law, Personal Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , |

Car accidents are always devastating, regardless of the scale of injury. No injury sustained from a road accident is too small to kill.  Unfortunately, many people hesitate to get checkups done after getting into accidents, thinking minor injuries will go away with time.  This is dangerous from a medical perspective and could also have some legal repercussions in the future.    How Soon Should You See a Doctor After an Accident? You should see a doctor and have a complete checkup done within 72 hours. Of course, the ideal time is immediately after the accident. Still, sometimes, the adrenaline rush can be so intense that you lose most of your physical sensation for several hours, which may lead you to believe you’re okay.  If you have any external injuries, the pain and soreness [...]

What To Do After A Hit-And-Run Accident

2022-02-07T18:40:54-08:00February 7th, 2022|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , |

Being a car accident victim can be an incredibly stressful experience. Not only are you likely to suffer traumatic injuries, but the aftermath can leave you incapacitated and unable to function normally.  When most accidents happen, the involved vehicles pull out of traffic, make a statement with the police, and the drivers exchange contact information. However, the driver who caused the collision might flee the scene to evade accountability in some cases. These types of accidents are referred to as hit-and-run.  Most drivers who are victims of hit-and-run accidents don't know the steps to follow to claim damages. Fortunately, a personal injury attorney can help you navigate the process to ensure you are duly compensated.  Here are things you should do when involved in a hit-and-run accident.  Try To ID The Offending Driver [...]

How Wounded Crash Victims Can Benefit from Attorney-Client Privilege

2022-01-24T19:45:00-08:00January 24th, 2022|Categories: Florida Law|Tags: , , |

Many people have heard about attorney-client privilege, but very few know what it means and how it works. Attorney-client privilege works the same way as doctor-patient confidentiality. It is a legal doctrine that protects confidential conversations between lawyers and their clients.  For instance, after a crash, your attorney cannot reveal any information shared between the two of you to the insurance company or police officer.    So, What Exactly Is Attorney-Client Privilege? Attorney-client privilege is a legal right that allows crash victims to disclose information to their lawyers without worrying whether the attorney will share the info with others.  This legal doctrine prevents lawyers from testifying or being compelled to reveal statements received from their clients.  Your attorney cannot discuss any info related to your claim with others, including insurance companies, courts, and [...]

What Do You Need to Do to Get Compensation in a Lane-Change Accident?

2022-01-19T21:04:24-08:00January 4th, 2022|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , |

Accidents are virtually inevitable, and driving on our busy highways often presents instinctive risks. Even if you drive carefully and observe road safety rules, a negligent driver can still hit you.  In Florida, most road accidents happen when two or more cars change lanes simultaneously. Lane-change accidents like these can cause severe injuries and stark damage to property. Moreover, determining fault for such incidents can be complicated. As such, talking to an auto accident attorney can help you recover maximum compensation in a lane-change accident. The lawyer will review your case using available facts and evidence to help you seek compensation for damages and injuries incurred. This post explains the assigning of fault in lane-change car accidents and the compensation process in such situations.   Lane-Change Traffic Law Florida traffic law Statute 316.085 [...]

Is There Legal Liability for an Accident Caused by Poor Car Maintenance?

2022-01-19T21:09:52-08:00December 13th, 2021|Categories: Auto Accident|Tags: , , |

Distracted driving, intoxicated driving, speeding, inclement weather, and reckless driving are among the country’s top five causes of car accidents. Many drivers often overlook that improper or poor auto maintenance could also contribute to a car crash. Moisture in the braking system, rust or corrosion, leaking brake fluid, and faulty parts are examples of maintenance issues that can cause an accident. If a driver knows their vehicle has a problem that could lead to a crash, they should avoid driving it in the first place, or they can be held liable for injuries or damages to other road users. This blog post explains legal claims that might result from accidents caused by poor car maintenance. In negligent maintenance cases, more than one party may share the blame, and a car crash attorney can [...]

Who is Liable in a Line-of-Sight Accident?

2022-01-19T21:11:09-08:00December 7th, 2021|Categories: Personal Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , |

A line-of-sight accident occurs when an obstruction blocks a driver’s view, making it difficult to see or be seen by other road users. They may not see who or what is in front of them, increasing the risk of an accident occurring.  Whether you are a cyclist, motorist, or pedestrian in a line-of-sight accident, you may rightfully claim compensation for injuries or damages.  However, these cases can sometimes be complicated since the blame may involve multiple parties. Fortunately, a professional car accident attorney can review your case and determine if you are eligible to recover damages or not.   Are Line-of-Sight Accidents Dangerous? Line-of-sight accidents are extremely dangerous. As already mentioned, a line-of-sight accident happens when a structure or object partially or fully blocks one or more motorists’ view. When their view is [...]

What To Do if Injured in a Car Accident Involving Road Rage

2022-01-19T21:30:31-08:00November 16th, 2021|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , , |

More often than not, we see aggressive behaviors happening on the street. Sometimes, we're the ones initiating those kinds of behaviors. Aggressive driving and road rage are two different things. The former are behaviors we initiate that lead to road rage. For example: Speeding Tailgating Improper Lane Usage These behaviors are considered aggressive driving. Road rage happens when the alteration between two drivers escalates. Some examples are cursing, physical violence, item-throwing, and even car damages. Sometimes, it's hard to avoid these kinds of behaviors when we're on the road, especially if we have a bad temper. So, if you are involved in a road rage incident, it's crucial to remember that you stay calm and composed rather than fighting back. This article will give you tips and bits of advice on what to [...]

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