Who is Liable in a Line-of-Sight Accident?

2022-01-19T21:11:09-08:00December 7th, 2021|Categories: Personal Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , |

A line-of-sight accident occurs when an obstruction blocks a driver’s view, making it difficult to see or be seen by other road users. They may not see who or what is in front of them, increasing the risk of an accident occurring.  Whether you are a cyclist, motorist, or pedestrian in a line-of-sight accident, you may rightfully claim compensation for injuries or damages.  However, these cases can sometimes be complicated since the blame may involve multiple parties. Fortunately, a professional car accident attorney can review your case and determine if you are eligible to recover damages or not.   Are Line-of-Sight Accidents Dangerous? Line-of-sight accidents are extremely dangerous. As already mentioned, a line-of-sight accident happens when a structure or object partially or fully blocks one or more motorists’ view. When their view is [...]