What Do You Need to Do if You Witness a Car Accident?

2022-11-08T12:39:49-08:00November 8th, 2022|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , |

Most people don’t know the steps to take after witnessing an accident, mainly because the procedures are not discussed enough in the media and by law enforcement.  Many eyewitnesses don’t even stop to survey an accident scene and drive on, expecting someone else to call the police to sort things out. If you are in Florida, there are specific procedures you need to keep in mind in case you witness an auto accident. These include:   Stop and Get Out of The Way If the accident occurred in front of you, drive right past the scene and park at a safe distance from it. If you choose to stop behind the scene, be sure to stay about 100 meters away.  This way, you will not hinder the emergency personnel and the police from [...]