Prime Causes of Florida Accidents

2019-08-26T07:14:54-07:00April 24th, 2019|Categories: Auto Accident|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Are you paying full attention to the road every time that you drive? When it comes to being on the road and being distracted, the state of Florida is attempting to do something about it, although there are obstacles. Florida stopped a texting while driving bill from going through recently that would've dealt with texting while driving, changing it over from secondary status over to 'primary offense' instead. Stopping it was mainly motivated by concerns over whether it would inadvertently make profiling based on race even more possible thanks to it giving a seemingly valid reason for cops to pull over people even if they didn't commit a traffic infraction. This is an admirable thing to do, and it illustrates precisely why legislation regarding a variety of topics can be so complicated. However, [...]