Car accidents usually have devastating effects on their victims. You may need urgent medical attention or long-term medical care, depending on the severity of your injuries.

Even so, some people may be lucky enough to come out of car accidents without a scratch. However, proper screening should be done to detect any internal injuries and to reduce the chances of developing accident-related complications in the future. A delayed medical examination may not only affect the victim’s health but also the compensation amount they may receive for their injuries. 

Our experienced personal injury attorneys in Orlando strive to ensure accident victims whose injury symptoms manifest way after the accident receive a fair personal injury settlement. 


Is there a need to complete a medical examination after a car accident? 

It is not unheard of for drivers to come out from car accidents feeling okay. Nonetheless, it is still vital to take a complete medical examination from a renowned medical practitioner to ascertain that you have a clean bill of health. The doctor will assess both the visible and internal injuries that you may have incurred from the car accident. These examinations enable you to rest easy knowing that any injures you may have suffered were attended to. 

Moreover, the medical exams may help to ensure that you receive sufficient compensation, which meets both your medical expenses and wage loss caused by the accident. 


3 Reasons Why Delayed Pain After a Car Accident Can Be Dire

1. Heightened adrenaline levels may obscure internal and soft tissue injuries suffered from the accident. 

Some of the injuries that may be incurred from car accidents include ruptured organs, internal bleeding, concussions, extreme whiplash, and TBI. If these defects are not detected on time, they may lead to loss of life.

2. Some car accident victims develop psychological trauma over time.

It could take weeks or even months for trauma symptoms to manifest. The symptoms include anxiety, depression, PTSD, and an increase in compulsive behavior.

Many car accident victims put more emphasis on physical injuries but ignore the emotional trauma. Nonetheless, psychological trauma can cause devastating effects, which may also affect their quality of life.

3. Car accident victims may believe they are not injured. As such, they may decide to forego or receive a lesser compensation than what they are entitled to.

Opting not to pursue compensation for the injuries you suffered from a car accident may prove detrimental in the long run. You may experience delayed pain, which could cost you a lot of money in medical expenses. Moreover, the delayed pain and injury may limit your ability to perform your tasks.


Don’t be quick to receive compensation

Most often, insurance companies associated with the guilty parties reach out to the victims with a quick settlement plan. 

As much as the deal may seem convenient, keep in mind that insurance companies are business entities, which are determined to avoid losses. They, therefore, use the rush settlement tactic to avoid incurring any expenses that may arise from delayed medical conditions that result from the accident. 

You should therefore not be in a hurry to append your signature on any insurance claim release until you have been examined by a licensed medical practitioner. It is also imperative to seek the counsel of an experienced injury attorney. 


Should I seek the services of a personal injury attorney after a car accident?

Most people seek medical attention after being involved in a car accident. This makes it easier for them to receive compensation for any injuries suffered. 

Even so, there are instances when the pain from the car accident manifests itself way after the accident occurred. In such situations, you may have a difficult time requesting compensation. 

Seeking the services of an Orlando personal injury attorney will ensure that you receive befitting compensation. These attorneys are conversant with the tactics employed by insurance companies, and you can depend on them to negotiate the right compensation that covers your medical expenses and other damages you may have incurred.


Please be advised that each individual settlement/situation is unique, and you should always consult with an attorney for advice on your specific circumstances in this regard.