Florida has some of the busiest highways in the country. As such, being involved in an accident can be an unnerving and traumatizing experience. Apart from the injuries and damages that may arise, you also have to deal with the police, other drivers and their lawyers, and the eyewitnesses who just happen to have their own perceptions.

It is, therefore, not far-fetched to imagine that the subsequent police report would be inaccurate, considering the number of people whose testimonies have to be taken into account. While police reports may not be considered infallible evidence in court, they are still essential and hold much weight.


So, is it Possible to Correct a Police Report?

It is possible and within your right to request a change or correction in the police’s report on your accident. Incomplete reports can also be changed to include the entire series of events. However, you must request the correction as soon as possible to give the police enough time to investigate further if necessary.


Should You Contact the Investigating Officer Directly or Leave it to Your Attorney?

You can freely contact the officer investigating your accident and hand them your request to change their report if you believe changes are necessary. However, it is advisable to let your attorney handle the police and any requests to and from them. Besides having a fine grasp of accident laws, car accident attorneys know when and how to request changes in police reports.


Do You Need Evidence When Requesting Changes to the Police Report?

For your request to be successful, you must provide objective evidence to the police.

Below are some of the items you may need to produce to support your request:

  • A detailed timeline of the accident
  • New eyewitness testimony
  • An unedited video of the accident
  • Credible medical records
  • Relevant documentation like car registration


What if the Errors in the Car Accident are Subjective and Not Factual?

Since police reports mostly rely on witness accounts, sometimes the statements may be incomplete or mistakenly interpreted by the officer who recorded them. The good news is that an experienced car accident attorney will know how to argue against objective statements. Having one by your side is the best way to persuade the officer to change their report or add your account. Even if the attorney fails to change the officer’s mind, they can help write a supplementary statement, which can be attached to the report.


Hire a Car Accident Attorney

After a car accident, you will probably not be in the right state of mind, or body, to handle the rigors of litigation. Handing the paperwork to an experienced attorney is arguably the best course of action. Your attorney will help you handle errors in police reports and increase your chances of getting a favorable judgment. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.