Legal Help with Nursing Home Abuse

2017-11-07T22:31:51-08:00August 13th, 2015|Categories: Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury|

Nursing home abuse is a real problem which many people are dealing with. Most times those who take their elderly to nursing homes want to believe that they have put their loved ones in safe homes and where they will be taken care of. Though most nursing homes are well reputed and do provide good services, some of the few are plagued with abuse from nurses and managerial staff. For the elderly, such abuse and neglect can be a source of tremendous psychological and physiological stress. At the old age which they are, such neglect and abuse can affect the state of their health and cause more problems. Some of the most often documented cases are ones pertaining to wrong medications given and overdosing on medications. Wrong Medications At times, some nursing homes [...]

10 Things You Want To Know About Medical Malpractice

2015-05-15T06:26:10-07:00May 15th, 2015|Categories: Medical Malpractice|

The following is a review of medical malpractice, and 10 things you ought to know about them. 1. Medical malpractice is the 3rd leading killer in the US If a survey published by the Journal of America Medical Association is to be believed, medical malpractice ranks as the 3rd leading cause of death in the US. In the year 2012 alone, around $3 billion was utilized in medical negligence claims settlements. This averages to a payout after every forty three minutes. 2. What is medical malpractice? Medical malpractice occurs when a physician acts in disregard to the accepted standards of healthcare. Which simply means a doctor failing to do what is necessary under similar circumstances. Essentially medical malpractice equates to gross negligence on the part of the healthcare provider. 3. How can you [...]

Erb’s Palsy Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

2015-02-28T08:33:56-08:00February 28th, 2015|Categories: Medical Malpractice|

Erb’s palsy is a disorder that occurs during birth that results in paralysis or in milder cases, weakness of the arm of the affected baby. This condition is mostly a result of medical malpractice. Should you be in such a circumstance, you are entitled to enlist the help of an Erb’s palsy medical malpractice attorney to identify your legal options. Typically, this condition occurs when the brachial plexus sustains a stretch injury. The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that is located close to the neck that branches out with the arm’s nerves. These nerves are responsible for the proper movement and feeling of the arms, hands and fingers, which this disorder impairs. Infants with Erb’s palsy are usually subjected to months of treatment, and in the most severe cases, even surgery [...]

Do You Have a Medical Malpractice Case?

2015-01-16T08:39:00-08:00January 16th, 2015|Categories: Medical Malpractice|

Many at times we go to hospitals to get cured when we get sick. In the recent days people have been dying due to the negligence by the medical professionals. Deaths which can be avoided should not be allowed and doctors should take care when dealing with peoples lives. Medical malpractice cases have posed a great challenge in the health sector. Many complications are attributed to doctors’ negligence. This might not be the case because the complication may be as a result of other factors. Before filing a case, you should be certain that the doctor did the mistake and the mistake had negative effects on your health. What does medical malpractice attorney entail? This is a legal claim by the patient that a health care professional provided unskilled treatment. These negligence suits [...]

What Damages Are You Entitled To In A Medical Malpractice Case?

2013-08-07T07:54:09-07:00August 7th, 2013|Categories: Medical Malpractice|Tags: , , , |

In 1999, the Institute for Medicine published research that stated that up to 98,000 deaths were caused by medical errors ― and such errors cause more than 1,000,000 injuries in the United States every year. In 2010, researchers at Harvard University noted that such errors are common and that there is little evidence of widespread improvement. Medical malpractice, also known as medical negligence, occurs when your doctor or health care provider fails to treat, diagnose, monitor or care for you in accordance with the accepted standard of care for those suffering under similar circumstances. If you or someone you love has been injured due to a health care provider’s mistake, a Florida medical practice attorney may be able to assist you in being properly compensated. Compensation for your injuries can include economic damages as well [...]

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