Why Do DUI Accidents Increase During the Holiday Season?

2018-12-11T19:37:00-08:00December 11th, 2018|Categories: Auto Accident, DUI|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

December is always a top month for auto accidents to occur. While crashes happen every day, the holiday season always seems to see an increase in not only accidents but DUI accidents as well. When it comes to the holiday season, your mind may be on spirits as opposed to crashes caused by them. However, there is no question that December is at the top of the list for months with car crashes-- particularly those caused by intoxicated drivers. While this is true in all states, Florida has seen a significant increase in car accidents over the holiday season in recent years. During the years of 2015 and 2016, the state of Florida saw an estimated 34,000 car crashes during the month of December (68,000 if you put them together). That's a significant [...]

Should I Speak to a DUI Attorney?

2017-11-07T21:44:58-08:00June 6th, 2017|Categories: DUI, Personal Injury|Tags: |

Do you need the help of a DUI attorney? If you are at risk of facing criminal proceedings, enlisting the legal guidance of an experienced DUI attorney might be the best thing you can do to alleviate the situation. Not hiring an attorney leaves you vulnerable to a more serious sentencing and leaves you in the dark about the legal process. A DUI attorney in Florida knows the workings of the judicial system and will be familiar with pleading these cases, plea bargain details, and what they can do in a variety of situations and cases. If you are uncertain about whether you require a DUI attorney, it's better to be safe than sorry. You can always consult with them and if you are not confident about their ability, hire someone else or [...]

Be Safe This Holiday: Avoiding DUIs and Drunk Drivers 

2017-11-07T21:56:24-08:00December 13th, 2016|Categories: Auto Accident, DUI, Personal Injury|Tags: , |

Enjoying the holidays is fun, but sometimes having fun and getting too drunk can mean trouble. This holiday season, we've assembled some tips so you're safe on the road and can avoid a DUI, which can cause your life to get a whole lot more complicated. Endangering lives and fines aside, sometimes you've just got to use good sense. We're going to get into more detail, though, so read on to find out how you can have a fun and safe holiday season! Many people associate the holidays with merriment, decorating, eating, gifts, and laughter. It's easy to forget that there are more arrests made for DUIs between Thanksgiving and New Year's Eve than average. Between December 25 and January 1, the average amount of fatalities that occur from impaired driving goes. Binge [...]

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