Dealing with the Aftermath of a Birth Injury to Your Newborn

2018-09-26T06:28:04-07:00September 26th, 2018|Categories: Birth Injury|Tags: , , , , , , |

No one ever wants to think of anything when it comes to having a baby other than a happy and a healthy birth. That is every parent's wish and they want their child to have the best shot at life. When it comes to birth, no one wants to imagine that their baby might sustain a birth injury. It may be the last thing on their minds even, but unfortunately, a certain percentage of new parents have to deal with this issue every year. When you are dealing with a birth injury, you may be feeling that this is a worst case scenario. Confronting this situation may feel like you are in a bad dream. Birth injuries can occur from a number of reasons, including medical malpractice. Other situations could be a delayed [...]