When your loved one dies due to malpractice, negligence, or inaction of another person, you are entitled to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the person or company or any other entity such as a government bureau that is liable for the death. Although nothing will bring your loved one back to life, holding the entity accountable for their wrongful actions can provide solace.

The attorneys at Payas, Payas and Payas, LLP can help file a lawsuit and claim for monetary compensation. We take time to know the cause of death, what the deceased meant to the family (both emotionally and financially), and the job of the deceased and his/her future prospects he/she had. We understand that it is very painful to lose your loved suddenly, but we try to make a lawsuit a part of healing process rather than an additional burden. Our objectives are to ensure the affected family gets fair compensation and do not suffer financially.

Common Causes of Wrongful Death.

There are many factors that can lead to a wrongful death. If any entity acts recklessly or wrongful death attorney in Orlandonegligently with a disregard for other person’s safety and an individual dies from such actions, the death is deemed wrongful. In such instances, you can hold the liable entities accountable for his/her actions. Some of the causes of wrongful death include:

Motor vehicle accidentsIn the context of an auto accident it describes an accident that resulted from the negligent or reckless behavior of a driver. Wrongful death can result from distracted or aggressive driving, failure to obey traffic signals, or poor driving skills.

Medical malpractices– if medical practitioners fail to perform their duties to the accepted standards, and such actions cause death to the patient. Medical malpractices are major cause of wrongful death.

Product liability– the manufacturers, product designers and distributors have a responsibility to ensure the product they manufacture and sell are safe. If the products suffer from manufacturing defects, design defects or marketing defects of which consumers are not made aware of the potential risks and a person is killed, you can hold the liable entity accountable.

Work place accidents– workplace accidents such as explosions, falls, burns and equipment can also cause death. If an employee dies due to employers disregard or negligence for employees’ safety, a wrongful death lawsuit may be filed.

The laws surrounding wrongful death are complicated. In addition, these cases are unique. It is very important to look for a skilled and experienced wrongful death attorney in your area. Insurance providers always put their financial interest first. You should not rely on your insurance provider–always hire an independent lawyer who has your interests at heart. Payas, Payas & Payas, LLP wrongful death attorneys in Orlando, can help you from the beginning to the end to obtain full case value in your wrongful death lawsuit. Contact us now for a free consultation.